Student Support

Accommodations and IEPs
An Individual Education Plan (IEP) is a document that outlines a student’s learning needs and any accommodations or services they require to be successful in their courses. In the Virtual High School learning environment, many of these accommodations may already be addressed through our flexible, online model. However, if a student needs additional support in place, our Guidance Team is ready to help!
How to Thrive at VHS
Bursaries and Scholarships
Our mission as a school is to empower students, and a key part of this mission is ensuring that our courses are accessible to Canadian and international students from a wide range of socio-economic backgrounds. Virtual High School is proud to grant bursaries to eligible students who demonstrate a need for financial aid with their educational goals.
Fund Your Education
Online Tutoring
We want to see students maximize their success in the courses they take at Virtual High School, which is why we offer free online tutoring! In addition to the feedback provided by the teacher, our tutoring service is designed to offer personalized, prompt answers to questions students may have about topics in the course content.
Learn How Our Tutoring Works
Built-In Tools and Accessibility
At Virtual High School, we recognize that all students are unique. We prioritize the needs of our students by designing our courses and services to respond effectively to those needs. Our self-paced education model offers many integrated accommodations to all of our students in all of our courses.
Get Flexible Support