Why Choose Virtual High School?
Discover the VHS Difference

We Are Supportive
- Qualified teachers at VHS are trained to teach in an online environment and are available to answer questions daily.
- We provide all of our students with access to free online tutoring.
- We offer standard and Fast Track versions of courses to help students meet deadlines and achieve their academic goals.
- Our guidance and administrative teams are available year-round via telephone, email, and live chat.
- We recognize and implement accommodations for students with different learning needs.

We Are Flexible
- Students are given up to 18 months to complete each course.
- The courses are self-paced with no set deadlines for assessment submission.
- We provide 24/7 access to course content and assessments.
- There are no live, synchronized lessons to attend.
- All final exams are written online with the date, time, and location selected by each student according to their personal schedule.

We Are Student-Centred
- Our courses are engaging, interactive, and informative.
- We continuously review course content to keep it current and relevant for our students.
- Our assessments are varied to encourage student creativity.
- We monitor our student-teacher ratios to ensure students can receive individualized attention.
- We create opportunities for exploration and connection through extracurricular activities, workshops, and clubs.

We Are Professional
- Each course delivers the curriculum expectations outlined by the Ontario Ministry of Education.
- We grant Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) credits.
- Our courses are written and developed by qualified educators (OCT-certified or its equivalent).
- We create professional animations, videos, and images with an in-house media team.
- Our Brightspace® learning environment by D2L provides each student with a secure account.
How We Prepare Students for Post-Secondary

Making the leap from a traditional high school setting to the rigorous expectations of a post-secondary program can be daunting and stressful for many first-year students. Where high school typically offers extensive interaction between students and teachers, post-secondary institutions emphasize independence and responsibility for your own learning.
At Virtual High School, we have designed an educational model that delivers a balanced approach to learning that aims to help you transition to your post-secondary pathway. With equal emphasis on independent learning, assignments, and academic support from teachers, we provide our students with the opportunity to develop their skills in studying, time management, and organization while still receiving individualized attention when they need it. With VHS, that giant, sometimes scary, leap from high school to post-secondary education becomes a lot more like a strong, confident step into your future!
We’re Here to Help!
- Complete prerequisites and meet deadlines for post-secondary admission.
- Repeat a course to improve a final grade.
- Fast track high school education.
- Resolve timetable conflicts with a main school.
- Reach Ahead from elementary school to high school.
- Study while travelling or living overseas.
- Earn the OSSD from anywhere in the world.